------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents iii ________________________________________________________________________ PART 1: USING HYPERPAD 3 Chapter 1: Getting Started 7 Before You Begin 8 Registering Your Software 9 Backing Up Your HyperPAD Disks 10 Installing HyperPAD 11 Starting HyperPAD 12 Setting Up HyperPAD 14 Reviewing the README.DOC 17 Exiting from HyperPAD 18 Getting Technical Support 19 Conclusion 20 Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD 23 Components of the HyperPAD Screen 24 Basic HyperPAD Tasks 28 Conclusion 52 Chapter 3: The Home Pad 55 Customizing HyperPAD 57 Running a Program 60 Managing Files 70 Running a DOS Command 70 Going to a Pad 74 Learning About HyperPAD 77 Conclusion 78 Chapter 4: Managing Files 81 Displaying Files 82 Working with Files 92 Using the Tree View 96 Conclusion 98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents iv ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial 101 Entering the Tutorial 101 Using the Tutorial 102 Exiting from the Tutorial 109 Conclusion 109 Chapter 6: The Help System 111 Finding Information in the Help Pad 111 Navigating Within the Help System 114 Conclusion 116 Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System 119 The Phone Pad 120 The Phone Dialer Pad 128 The Track Call Pad 130 The Take Message Pad 132 Conclusion 133 Chapter 8: The Daily Planner Pad 135 Going to a Date 136 Making Appointments 140 Using the Notes for the Day Field 142 Deleting Outdated Information 142 Printing 143 Conclusion 144 Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information 147 Managing Information with HyperPAD 148 Organizing and Locating Information 150 Searching for Information 155 Using the Query Command 158 Exchanging Information with Other Programs 162 Conclusion 166 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents v ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 10: Printing 169 Setting Up HyperPAD to Work with Your Printer 170 Printing to a DOS File 171 Printing Information with the Print Command 173 Other Printing Options 180 Conclusion 180 PART 2: DESIGNING WITH HYPERPAD 185 Chapter 11: HyperPAD's Building Blocks 187 Objects 188 Pads 188 Backgrounds 188 Pages 188 Buttons 188 Fields 189 What Is Painting? 189 To Begin Designing 190 Conclusion 190 Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds 191 Working with Pads 191 Setting the User Level 196 To set a password: 197 Password-Protecting a Pad 198 Read-Only Pads 199 Working with Pages 202 Changing the Name of a Page 203 Copying Pages 204 Cutting Pages 205 Pasting Pages 206 Pasting Pages Between Pads 206 Deleting Pages 207 Working with Backgrounds 208 Changing the Name of a Background 209 Protecting a Background 210 Conclusion 211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents vi ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 13: Painting Tools 213 The Painting Environment 214 Selecting a Painting Tool 220 Using the Painting Tools 222 The Painting Tools 226 Painting Tool Options 236 Painting Tricks 238 Conclusion 240 Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields 241 Introduction 241 How Buttons and Fields Are Organized 244 Editing Objects Using the Selector Tool 245 Creating Objects 247 Moving Objects 248 Resizing Objects 248 Copying and Pasting Objects 249 Cutting Objects 251 Pasting Objects 251 Deleting Objects 252 Cloning Objects 252 Layering Objects 252 Properties of Objects 256 The Field Info Dialog Box 256 The Button Info Dialog Box 263 Button and Field Ideas 268 Selecting Objects of a Lower Layer 268 Selecting Paint 268 Linking Buttons 270 Scripting 272 Conclusion 275 Chapter 15: The Message Box 277 Showing the Message Box 278 Hiding the Message Box 279 Moving the Message Box 279 Editing the Message Box 279 Using the Message Box as a Calculator 280 Typing Commands into the Message Box 282 Conclusion 287 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents vii ________________________________________________________________________ PART 3: MENU AND COMMAND REFERENCE 291 HyperPAD Menus 291 Script Editor Menus 292 Description of Commands 292 Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference 293 The File Menu 293 Show Partner (.GX2) 300 The Edit Menu 318 The Go Menu 327 The Tools Menu 329 The Objects Menu 333 The Workspace Menu 341 The Block Menu 346 The File Menu (Script Editor) 349 The Edit Menu (Script Editor) 351 The Search Menu (Script Editor) 353 Appendix 1: General Error Messages 357 Appendix 2: Questions and Answers 367 Appendix 3: Using the CAP utility 373 Glossary 377